Saturday, June 21, 2008

Michigan Unemployment Making News

Governor Granholm said "in five years, you'll be blown away," Michigan families are being blown away - 8.5 percent - highest rate in 16 years. 23,000 more people have lost their jobs since October when Granholm and the Democrats pushed through the largest tax increase in state history.

The federal government added insult to injury by passing new minimum wage requirements. Now, high schoolers out on summer vacation can't get jobs because the employers are hiring less because of the new minimum wage law.

Obama is promising more of the same for America. America cannot survive Democratic policies of increased taxes and spending.

Michigan - wake up and realize that Michigan is a preview of national Democratic policies. Want more unemployment? What higher prices for fuel? If you do, just elect the Democratic candidates and you will get it all... higher prices, higher taxes, and unemployment.

It's your choice... change we cannot afford!

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Blogger Richard Jennings said...

I have only found good jobs on a few sites lately:

Lots of employers & recruiters are abandoning the "pay to post a job" model in favor of these free employment sites. So I dont see lots of jobs on the same sites that were popular 5 years ago.

12:42 AM  
Blogger WCTaxpayers said...

Please do not let the Republicans off the hook. Granholm could not have done this without the help of a few of them. Know your candidate! Inform yourself and most of all, hold them accountable.

Rose Bogaert, Chair
Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.

12:01 PM  

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