Democrat's New 3 R's
During the mid-term elections, we hear over and over that "the Republicans are leading our country the wrong direction!"
If you listen to the Democratic members of Congress, you can reduce the Democratic campaign planks to 3 R's.
So, if you want your taxes raised, failure in Iraq, and the destruction of the institution of marriage, then go ahead and vote for the Democrats on November 7th. I do not want Pelosi and Reid leading the House and Senate.
Remember, Pelosi is just two bullets away from being president if the Democrats take control of the House and she becomes Speaker of the House.
If you listen to the Democratic members of Congress, you can reduce the Democratic campaign planks to 3 R's.
Raise Taxes, Retreat from Iraq, and Redefine Marriage
So, if you want your taxes raised, failure in Iraq, and the destruction of the institution of marriage, then go ahead and vote for the Democrats on November 7th. I do not want Pelosi and Reid leading the House and Senate.
Remember, Pelosi is just two bullets away from being president if the Democrats take control of the House and she becomes Speaker of the House.
First of all, you can't have Iraq without raising taxes... The war at this point is totally unsustainable financially for the U.S., whether or not you support it.
Second of all, nobody wants to redefine marriage - it's about applying equal rights where they are due.
I hear a lot of Christians talking about the religious aspects of marriage; but individual churches will never be under any obligation to perform ceremonies they believe runs counter to their belief system.
Denmark (where I am from) has had same-sex marriage laws in place since the 80's (we were the first incidentally) and one can harldy make a case that people here believe marriage to be basically redefined - and we certainly have a thriving Christian community.
Just my ten cents.
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