“It is the eternal struggle between two principles...
“It is the eternal struggle between two principles,
right and wrong, throughout the world.”
Read the above quote and you will think it is about the struggle of the non-Islam world with the Islam world. Wrong, it may fit, but President Abraham Lincoln made the statement at a debate at Alton, Illinois, October 15, 1858.
The politicians in the ilk of Rep. Murtha, AKA Cut and Run Democrats, do not recognize the fact that the civilized world is in an eternal conflict with the radical wing of the Islamist.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich at Newt.org has a piece on this eternal conflict.
He states...
America’s lack of preparation, however, should not discourage us or even surprise us. Americans have had to rethink and reorganize for every major national security challenge in our history. We must recognize that we have three objectives to achieve.To read the complete piece, go here...
First, we have two immediate opponents, the Irreconcilable Wing of Islam and the rogue dictatorships that empower the radical Islamists.