Friday, August 05, 2005


I believe in Intelligent Design and have enjoyed reading Dr. John Piippo's Theolobloggy. Recently he has written aptly about Intelligent Design, responding to detractors of ID.

theolobloggy: "Frightened By Intelligent Design Theory
In today's New York Times Paul Krugman states his fears re. Intelligent Design Theory. I just e-mailed him this response:

Dear Mr. Krugman:

� To hint that ID is using “fake research” is dishonest. The truth is that a growing number of actual scientists show interest in ID. This includes ID-ers problems with Darwinian macroevolution.
� “Fake research” has been used by Darwinists. See, e.g., Jonathan Wells’ Icons of Evolution.
� “Science” and “scientific truth” and “peer review” and “the self-policing nature of science” present actual scientists in universities as pure Cartesian intellects devoid of “politics.” Politics has long been involved in Neo-Darwinist promotion. Not all Neo-Darwinians have engaged in it. Just as not all ID-ers engage in it. But it seems to be a quite human thing.
� If it is true that some politicians hate Darwinism, so what? One commits the ad populum fallacy by inferring that this somehow undermines ID theory.
� It is an empirical fact that a small-but-growing number of actual scientists have doubts about macro-evolution. It is true that more scientists today accept macro-evolution than not. But, as Thomas Kuhn pointed out in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, this is always the way a potential revolution happens in science. So, when it comes to revolutionary science, numbers do not matter. Yet in the history of science, theories can come and go (see Kuhn again, e.g.). A prevailing scientific paradigm gets questioned, sometimes by only one scientist. It takes many years for the then-prevailing paradigm (called “normal science” by Kuhn) to gain acceptability.
� The political and emotional resistance to a candidate for a paradigm shift is understandable. I personally see this in a lot of the anti-ID literature. Yet there are serious discussions going on. See, e.g., Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA, edited by non-ID-er Michael Ruse and ID-er William Dembski. Don’t you think that the dialogue that takes place in a text like this is more fruitful than pointing out the political hatred on both sides?


John Piippo, Ph.D

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Paul Hacket - The Stealth Democrat - Day After

Listen up, Democrats, Democrat loving media types, and all other left centered individuals. Paul Hacket LOST. It is not a bell weather moment. Paul Hacket LOST.

They just don't get it. The media just can't report the news. They have to inject their opinions, hoping to paint a pretty picture. The picture is clear! Democratic policies - bashing Bush, raising taxes, and gun control don't work.

Get a life, will yah?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Paul Hacket - The Stealth Democrat

Iraq veteran Paul Hacket is running for elective office as a democrat. But is he? A John Kerry Jr? Just another candidate using another war experience to his advantage, all the while stating he is against it. He can't run as a democrat and win! He can't win and say "I am going to raise your taxes", or "I want a bigger federal government", or "I am against the war". That last one is laughable. Paul Hacket has a TV advertisement stating that he supports the President and the Iraq war, but later states he is running because he is against it. What is it? Are you for it or against it?

It doesn't matter. He won't run on the truth, only what might get him elected (a stealth Democrat).

Today's axiom: Democrats can't win when they tell what they really believe and will do when and if elected.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Devious? Senator Kennedy

A dishonorable senator from Massachusetts had the gaul to state the President Bush's appointment of John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations was "devious".

Well look who's calling the kettle black... ol' "we'll cross that bridge when it comes up" Kennedy. Who by the shear nature of money and his name, avoided manslaugher charges when he drove off the bridge while drunk and drowned his date in his car.

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong senator Kennedy?