Monday, January 02, 2006

Louis Farrakhan Named 'Person of the Year'

The Black Entertainment Television network recently named Louis Farrkhan their "Person of the Year".

"An overwhelming percentage of our users agreed that Minister Farrakhan made the most positive impact on the black community over the past year," vice president Retha Hill told, Farrakhan's own web site...

Loius Farrakhan said "During his Millions More March address, Farrakhan urged African-Americans to bring a class action suit for "criminal neglect" against the U.S. on behalf of Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans and demanded that America "acknowledge her wickedness to the indigenous peoples of this hemisphere."

For weeks before the march, the controversial minister touted a theory that the Bush administration had blown up the levees in New Orleans. Farrakhan said he came to that conclusion after a private meeting with Mayor Ray Nagin, who told him there was a 25-foot crater beneath the levees.

Couldn't BET pick someone more credible that Farrakhan? Here is a man that has existed only to divide America with his firebrand speech. It is a sad day in America when BET pollsters cannot find a better candidate.


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